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Walk: The Lost Theatres of Colchester
Dorian Kelly - The Guerilla Shakespeare Theatre Company (Colchester, England)
Colchester has more actors, musicians, dancers, poets, comics, sculptors, designers and illustrators than the whole of the region put together We have amazing theatres, galleries and media centres as well.
In fact over the centuries, Colchester has had over thirty places of public entertainment. In fact we are the only place with not one but two Roman Theatres and a chariot racing track.
Join Dorian Kelly on one of his iconic combinations of gentle stroll and street theatre to find just some of them. Its not just a walk… expect poetry, stories, and maybe some music along the way, and meet some interesting characters.
Meet at the War Memorial by the Castle at 11.00 am on Sunday 23rd October. The walk lasts 90 minutes. It is fully accessible.
**This is a Pay-What-You-Can-Afford event.
Please ensure you arrive 5 mins before start time. Due to strict performance times late arrivals may not be allowed to participate and if non-attendance is expected, please do let us know ASAP so that the space can be re allocated.
Duration: 90 mins
Age suitability: All Ages
Audience Warnings: None
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